Join us this Sunday in the sanctuary at 10:30AM. After, we will have coffee hour, with hot coffee and snacks, and great company, due to our bring a friend and pot luck event!
Suggestions? Tell us what you think:
Please join us in person for services.
Would you like to hear more from our talented musician, Matt Marion? Join him for the Weekly Music Review:
First Sunday after Labor Day through second Sunday of June
Our services begin at 10:30 AM each Sunday morning. All ages gather in the sanctuary for the beginning of the service. The church bell is rung (usually by some of the children) to welcome all to join us. Our service includes music and silence, singing and prayer/meditation, candle lighting, some readings and a message. Near the beginning of the service we pause to allow people to come forward to light a Candle of Joy, Concern or, if they wish, briefly share a personal milestone (children often participate). The children gather for a “Story for All Ages,” which the adults anticipate as much as the children. Following the story children are invited to leave for age appropriate religious education, though they are welcome to remain with their parents. Most often there is a sermon by our minister, the Rev. Patricia Hatch, but occasionally by a guest speaker or lay led service. There is also, of course, an Offering taken. Our service lasts about one hour and is followed by coffee hour where we share coffee, tea, milk or juices and a variety of food, often healthful but always good!
Third Sunday in June through Labor Day weekend
An un-air conditioned church in summer is not conducive to thought (or almost anything else!) so we do not have formal services during the summer months. We move to Goss Hall at the other end of our building which is air conditioned. The services are usually smaller and take place in a circle or around a table (makes it easier to have a cup of coffee during the service, too). Sometimes the Minister attends but members or friends often bring a poem or reading or discussion topic. There is time to "check in" which sometimes offers a topic for discussion. There is usually no music and only occasionally a "sermon."
We do not have regular child care during the summer, but we do have quiet activities and parents often take turns providing supervision.